티스토리 뷰

영어회화 - 일상 생활에 유용한 영어표현 101-109 



 영어회화 101 - 영어로 뭐라고 하죠? 영어표현

 How do you say that in English?

= What do you call that in English?

= What's the English word(words) for that?

 영어회화 102 - 일행이 있으십니까? 영어표현

 Are you expecting company?

= Are you waiting for anyone?

= Is anyone joining you?

 영어회화 103 - 아무 음식이나 잘먹습니다. 영어표현

I'm easy to please.

= I'm not picky about food.

= I'm not fussy about food.

 영어회화 104 - 비행기 띄우지 마세요. 영어표현

Don't flatter me.

= You flatter me.

= Don't put me on.

 영어회화 105 - 꼴좋구나 영어표현

It serves you right.

= That'll teach you.

= You got what you deserved.

= You had it coming to you.

 영어회화 106 - 다른 디스켓으로 복사해 놓으세요. 영어표현

Copy it onto another disk of yours.

= Make a copy of it on another disk.

= Put it on another floppy of yours.

 영어회화 107 - 그 말 취소해 영어표현

Take that back!

= Apologize.

= Withdraw your words.

= You went too far!

= Did I hear you right?

 영어회화 108 - 그는 느긋하다. 영어표현

He's easy-going.

= He's laid-back.

= Nothing rattles him.

= Nothing fazes him.

 영어회화 109 - 이중 인격자. 영어표현

He's two-faced.

= He's a Benedict Arnold.

= He's cunning(sly).

= He's a back-stabber.

= He's silver-tongued.

= He's the devil in disguise.


더 많은 정보를 원하시면 카페 '빅빅잉글리쉬'로 오세요 ^_^ 

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