티스토리 뷰

영어회화 - 실생활에 유용한 영어표현 81-90 

 오랫만에 포스팅합니다 ^^ 2010년 마지막 주네요~

모두들 한해 잘 마무리하시구요! 다부지게 새해 준비하셔서 모두들 2011년은 대박나는 한해되세요 ^^ 

날씨추운데 건강 잘 챙기시고 새해 복 많이 받으세요~!!!


 영어회화 81- 계획실패에 대한 영어표현

 My plans went up in smoke.

= My plans fizzled out.

= My plans were cancelled.

= My plans ended up in smoke.

= My plans were scratched. 

 영어회화 82 - 쉬운일이 아니야 영어표현

 It is no picnic.

= It isn't easy.

= It is difficult.

= It isn't a cakewalk.

= This isn't a piece of cake. 

 영어회화 83 - 과장하지마 영어표현

 Don't make a mountain out of a molehill.

= Don't make a big deal out of it.

= Don't make a production of it.

 영어회화 84 - 그만 노려봐 영어표현

 Stop eyeballing me.

= Don't stare at me.

= Don't look at me like that.

= Don't ogle me. 

 영어회화 85 - 대가를 치를 꺼야 영어표현

 You're pay for this.

= I'll get you for this.

= I'll even the score.

= I'll get even with you.

= I'll seek my revenge on you. 

 영어회화 86 - 실수 영어표현

 He dropped the ball.

= He goofed.

= He made a mistake.

= He fouled up. 

 영어회화 87 - 그게 뭐 중요해 영어표현

 What does it matter?

= It doesn't matter.

= It's all the same one way or another.

=It's six of one, half a dozen of the other. 

 영어회화 88 - 춤을 춥시다 영어표현

 Let's take the floor.

= Let's dance.

= Let's hit the dance floor.  

 영어회화 89 - 한잔 더 (술) 영어표현

 Let's go for another round somewhere else.

= Let's go bar-hopping.

= How about another drink some other place? 

 영어회화 90 - 재수가 좋았을 뿐이야 영어표현

That was just a fluke.

= That was just a coincidence.

= That was just sheer luck. 


더 많은 정보를 원하시면 카페 '빅빅잉글리쉬'로 오세요 ^_^ 

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