티스토리 뷰

영어회화 - 일상생활에 유용한 영어표현 91-100



 영어회화 91 - 두문불출 영어표현

 I was cooped up all day.

= I stayed in all day.

= I was locked up in my room all day.

= I was confined in my room all day.

 영어회화 92 - 은행거래 영어표현

 Who do you bank with?

= Where do you have an account?

= Who do you have an account with?

= Which bank do you go to?

 영어회화 93 - 마른 하늘에 날벼락 영어표현

 It was a bolt from the blue.

= It was a bolt out of the blue.

= It was a bolt from a clear sky.

= Out of the clear blue sky.

 영어회화 94 - 어느 업종에 종사하십니까? 영어표현

 What line of business are you in?

= What line of work are you in?

= What line are you in?

 영어회화 95 - 우회전 영어표현

 Turn right.

= Make a right.

= Take a right

 영어회화 95 - 우회전 영어표현

 Turn right.

= Make a right.

= Take a right

 영어회화 96 - 문제회피 영어표현

 Don't turn a blind eye to the problem.

= Don't shut your eyes to the preblem.

= Don't look the other way.

= Don't ignore the problem.

 영어회화 97 - 무리한일 영어표현

 It's a tall order.

= It's a difficult task.

= It's an arduous chore.

= It requires much effort.

= It's a hard job.

= It's a pain.

 영어회화 98 - 양심에 걸립니다 영어표현

 It weighs on my conscience.

= I feel remorseful.

= I'm pricked by the pin of conscience.

= I feel the pang of conscience.

 영어회화 99 - 당황 영어표현

 I was stunned.

= I was flabbergasted.

= I was beside myself.

= I was floored.

 영어회화 100 - 음식 좀 남겨둬요 영어표현

 Please save some for me.

= Please leave some for me.

= Please reserve some for me.


더 많은 정보를 원하시면 카페 '빅빅잉글리쉬'로 오세요 ^_^ 

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